We specialize in connecting owner-operators with companies through a seamless, strategic process designed for maximum efficiency. By matching skilled drivers, reliable helpers, and well-equipped trucks to the precise locations in need, we ensure transportation demands are met effectively. Our streamlined approach guarantees a consistent, dependable supply chain, optimizing resources for both operators and companies. With CMO, logistics becomes not only efficient but also empowering for everyone involved.
Owner-Operators Sign Up With CMO
To be admitted and connected to a company, the owner-operator must sign up and complete our onboarding process.
Owner-Operator Completes CMO Onboarding
Once the initial onboarding process is completed, the Owner-Operator will be prompted to choose a subscription plan for their fleet.
Owner-Operators Uses CMO Platform
Upon completion of the onboarding process, the Owner-Operator will be able to order drivers, helpers, truck rentals, insurance, fuel cards, payroll, and more to jumpstart and grow their fleet.
Get Working!
Start Making stable earnings and grow your fleet.
Sign Up Today
Unlock the full potential of your abilities through the CMO platform.